Mucking about with templates (again)

You may have noticed that my site looks a little bit different. I just can’t stop myself fart-arsing about with the templates on this site and this isn’t helped by the plethora of interesting designs available for WordPress. In times past I may have made an attempt at designing my own, but those days are gone. I’ve realised that I wasn’t really any good at it and have plumped for using other people’s offerings.

Luckily for me I read Smashing Magazine. They recently ran an article showing 20 More Free First-Class WordPress Themes and I liked a few of these. They had some links to some previous articles along the same vein and I eventually found this theme that you’re seeing now. It’s called Redoable and I rather like it.

I rather liked my previous design, Anvil, but this one just seems more me. It looks a little easier to customise and I love some of the little touches. It’s a lovely, simple design and I think I’m going to keep it (I know I probably said that last time too).

Also, I’ll hopefully be putting up a post about our visit to Edinburgh soon. I’ve been a little tardy with my posts recently – sorry about that.

2 thoughts on “Mucking about with templates (again)

  1. Yes it’s easy to keep swapping templates, especially if they display everything how you want them to be. Maybe add a theme switcher then you can add more and allow people to choose their own? There’s a theme switcher plugin somewhere around.


  2. I’ll have a good look around these plugins soon Sarah. I’ve been getting to really like WordPress but I’ve not really had time to install any other plugin than Askimet. I’m sure there are a few important ones that I’m missing, and a theme switcher sounds a GREAT idea.


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